I mint my best artwork as 1/1 NFT’s, but I also have experience with creating generative nft’s automatically. This process extends to formatting metadata, uploading these files to IFPS, and creating minting dApps for collectors to interact with.

Below, I’ve included a selection of 1/1 NFT’s, and generative projects I’ve created.

  • 1/1 NFT’s

  • 1/1 NFT’s

  • The home of the “peenpooners” project.a



  • lucidity acumen


    lucidity - clarity of expression; intelligibility.

    acumen - the ability to make good judgments

  • a late-blooming nigrescence


    “A Late Blooming Nigrescence” is an audio/visual animation that illustrates my interpretation of life as a Black man. It is an active reflection of how societal influence and discrimination often serve to antagonize the presentation and reception of black artwork in an international crypto-art market. Black artwork, and by extension Black voices, are actively undervalued on the blockchain. This is my attempt to reclaim a true depiction of a formative moment as a Black artist in the United States. I intend to explain the context of my artwork through the research which inspired it, then I will reflect on personal takeaways, and explain contextualized crypto-art applications of the artwork’s themes. Audio graciously contributed by Varien.

  • another mettasaince aphorism

    Zora + The Well

    metassaince - a term coined to describe the current phenomenon of creators finding financial and social provenance via blockchain technology.

    aphorism - a pithy observation that contains a general truth

  • liminal harlequin


    I closed my eyes and jumped into the void. The void smiled and revealed what's always been there.

  • summertime apotheosis

    summertime - the season or period of summer.
    apotheosis - the treatment of a human being, any other living thing, or an abstract idea in the likeness of a deity